To determine and develop proposals for improvements and solutions for the social security system for performing arts professionals in Germany, a glimpse at other European countries is also helpful. Therefore, a European study was conducted as part of the “Systemcheck” research project. This exploratory study examines existing social security systems in five European countries to derive possible solutions for improvements in Germany.
In the context of the “Systemcheck” research project, three discussion papers will be published online. The results of these studies form the basis of the policy recommendations for a system change towards greater accuracy and fairness.
The working and living realities of performing arts professionals can be rather challenging. Their work requires not only a high degree of flexibility and organisational skills but also a willingness to self-exploit. These precarious working realities create many uncertainties. The existing insurance systems in Germany are insufficient for professionals in the performing arts and therefore need to be revised.
Therefore, a European study was conducted. This exploratory study examines existing social security systems in five European countries to derive possible solutions for improvements in Germany.
In the first part, Melisa Bel Adasme takes stock of insurance conditions and benefits for old age provision, unemployment and parenthood in five European countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France and Portugal. The second part summarises interviews with experts who were asked for their assessment of these insurance systems. The third part is the documentation and evaluation of the workshop, with recommendations for action on how the German social security system for professionals in the performing arts can be improved.
The study can be downloaded as PDF here.
"Systemcheck" is a project of the BFDK in cooperation with the Institute for Interdisciplinary Work Science of the Leibniz University Hannover, the ensemble-netzwerk e.V. and the Institute for Cultural Governance. "Systemcheck" is funded by the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs based on a resolution of the German Bundestag.