Welcome to the BFDK’s office. Our staff are always happy to respond to your questions and concerns. Just get in touch!
Contact details
Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste e.V.
Dudenstraße 10
10965 Berlin
Phone +49 (0)30. 51 56 52 5 40
Fax +49 (0)30. 51 56 52 5 56
Email @email
Web www.darstellende-kuenste.de
Our offices are located in Dudenstraße 10 in Berlin-Kreuzberg, on the second floor of the side-wing of the building, entrance A. If you require assistance due to mobility restrictions or any other visible or non-visible disabilities, please contact the office. We’ll try to find a solution for you.
Office management
Press and public relations
Committee department
Study Social Situation
Producing sustainably
tanz + theater machen stark
Project staff (parental leave replaement)
Franziska Schindler
Verbindungen fördern
Project staff (parental leave replacement)
Clara Manderscheid
Student employee
Greta Ernst