On the first day, research results from the qualitative study "Im freien Fall" and interim results from the quantitative study on the social security status of self-employed and hybrid workers in the performing arts were presented by Hannah Speicher (PhD), Prof. Axel Haunschild (PhD) (both "Systemcheck" project partners from the Institut für interdisziplinäre Arbeitswissenschaft, Leibniz Universität Hannover) and Verena Tobsch (PhD) (Institut für für empirische Sozial- und Wirtschaftsforschung - INES Berlin). The focus was on the social security and income situation, coping strategies, as well as ideas for the future and ideas for change of those affected.
On the second day, the workshop instructors Anne Schneider and Stephan Behrmann presented and discussed the results of the workshops from the previous day together, with Lena Krause (FREO - Frei Ensembles und Orchester Deutschland e. V.), Anne-Cathrin Lessel (Member of board of directors Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste) and workshop participants Sören Fenner and Kaja Jakstat.
After a presentation on the study "In search of fair systems" by Cilgia Gadola and Elisabeth Roos (both part of the "Systemcheck"-Team) the artists Ute Kahmann, Stela Korljan, Bridge Markland and Johannes Lange gave insights into their artistic research on the working conditions in the performing arts as part of the programme "Bundesweite Artists Labs" by the Fonds Darstellende Künste.
During the last panel of the conference "How-to: Shaping the social future of the performing arts", Wibke Behrens (Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft e. V.), Helge-Björn Meyer (Managing Director Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste), Heinrich Schafmeister (Bundesverband Schauspiel - BFFS) and Gabriele Schulz (Deutscher Kulturrat) discussed possibilities for a fair social security system. The day was concluded by a resume of the conference by Prasanna Oommen and Anne Schneider.
This playlist includes the presentations by Hannah Speicher, Prof. Axel Haunschild, Verena Tobsch, the panel discussion on the workshop results, the presentation on the European study by Cilgia Gadola & Elisabeth Roos, the presenations of the artistic research by Ute Kahman, Stela Korljan, Bridge Markland and Johannes Lange, as well as the final panel discussion on shaping the social future of the performing arts.