promotes local alliances that work with children and young people from situations of economic risk.

Almost a third of all children and young people in Germany grow up in materially or socially difficult situations. If their parents do not have enough money or formal education, their chances for participation in German society are restricted. The aim of the programme “Kultur macht stark. Bündnisse für Bildung” (Culture Makes You Strong. Alliances for Education) is to provide them with access to the wide range of opportunities in cultural education, so that they can get to know how artists work and try it out for themselves. “tanz + theater machen stark“ (dance + theatre make you strong) is a part of that programme.

“tanz + theater machen stark” initiates local alliances consisting of at least three partners, whose educational theatre projects are aimed at disadvantaged children. Since 2018, more than three hundred projects from all sixteen German states have been funded.

Do you want to take part?

The third funding phase began in 2023. Performing artists and their cooperation partners are invited to apply

  • who like working artistically with children and young people on topics relevant to them, whether using familiar or new methods,
  • who want to cooperate with other institutions and welcome the synergy effects that arise in the process and
  • who are looking for full funding for their projects from one funding institution – with adequate pay, for both the preparation and end of project phases too.

The jury process is transparent and takes into account your local circumstances. 

The programme “Kultur macht stark. Bündnisse für Bildung” is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Information on this and the other programme partners can be found here.

Trailer "tanz + theater machen stark"

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Team + contact information

Project management

Portraitbild Eckhard Mittelstädt

Eckhard Mittelstädt
E-Mail: @email

Telefon: 030 5156525 - 47

Project staff

Porträt von Stefanie Deutschmann

Stefanie Deutschmann

Telefon: 030 5156525 - 46

Portraitbild Sonja Linke

Sonja Linke
E-Mail: @email

Telefon: 030 5156525 - 48