online, free of admission
DIS-TANZ-START Webinars for dancers starting their careers: Vademecum Dance - A Guide for the Career Start in German State & Municipal Theatre Companies
with Dr. Christiane Theobald
The German theatre system offers diverse structures; rights, duties and responsibilities go hand in hand with the contract as an ensemble member. The guide can provide orientation for joining a dance or ballet company in a state or municipal theatre after professional training. Many questions arise, situations that one is not yet familiar with from studies, quickly overwhelm or tie up too much attention. This can be avoided if a "Vademecum Dance" can provide answers to the questions or help for self-help. Challenges can be mastered reliably. The advantage: the Vademecum Dance can always be updated, because with changing times and structural changes, the questions posed also change. The Vademecum Dance looks at the topics as a multi-perspective guide. The more questions the participants ask, the more precise the guide will offer orientation. We therefore encourage you to participate actively. Your questions might also be those of your colleagues. Please send your questions prior the webinar to